Monday, December 30, 2013

Who am I?

Hi! My name is Deanna and I am a runner. I haven't been running for very long, but it is something I have found that I love.

I am a wife. I've been married to my husband for 20 years. He supports me in this obsession.

I am a mother. I have three children. One is in college and the other two are in high school. We go through all the familiar teenage garbage that a lot of people do.

 I am a Christian. Truth be told, I should have put that first. God should always come first then family and after that figure out your own priorities.

I don't know that I'm a blogger, but I thought I'd give it a shot. If I want to be honest, I'm doing this just for me. Maybe it's a way for me to hold myself accountable in public. (Not that it will be that noticed).

I am trying to get myself back in the groove of running. This whole year has been bad as far as running goes. I thought the spring training went really well for my 3rd full marathon in May. It did not go as I expected. 

Then I developed plantar fasciitis. Sooo not fun! Got rid of it though. Pretty much all on my own. The podiatrist I went to was worthless. "I'll tape it. If it's not better in a week, come back." Really? Anything else you would like to tell me? Ice it, roll it, stretch, stay off it? My chiropractor did more for me with graston than that doctor did. Then I started it on my own. Graston is a process that breaks up scar tissue. I did foot exercises, icing, and stretching my calves. 

So needless to say the training for the next marathon did not go well and neither did the actual run. I never should have run it. You live and learn I guess. After that I took a break to heal my other pains.

Well then I got sick before Thanksgiving and that turned out to be pneumonia. I am getting over that now.

I am, pretty much starting over. Taking baby steps with my running. More like run/walking. And of course where I live the weather is not cooperating with outside running. Today we had a high of 4 with wind chills in the high teens. Not what I consider good running weather. Some people can do it and that's cool. More power to them. I have to stick to the "dreadmill" when it's like this.

Well, in a nutshell that's who I am. I don't know where this will take me or if anyone will follow.  

Happy New Year and Happy Running!